Terms and Conditions
Upload and Publication
- The files submitted, including the screenshot and .ini file, will be uploaded to the associated public GitHub repository.
- The files will be publicly accessible and visible online.
Modification and Use by Third Parties
- The submitted files may be modified, redistributed, and monetized by third parties without your further consent or approval.
Intellectual Property Rights
- By submitting files, you confirm that you own all rights to the submitted content or have the necessary authorization to share them publicly.
- You agree to grant an irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the use, modification, distribution, and monetization of the submitted files.
- We are not responsible for the use of submitted files by third parties, nor for any copyright infringements or other legal issues arising from the submission of files.
Privacy and Personal Data
- We do not collect personal information beyond what is strictly necessary for submitting the form.
- File submission is voluntary, and you agree that submitted content cannot be removed once published.
Changes to the Terms
- We reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. You are encouraged to review them periodically.